Why Choose a Split Level Home Builder?

Split level homes are increasingly desirable due to their affordability, space and Brady Bunch charm. Unfortunately, some buyers avoid these home designs due to their staircase-heavy layout.

Standard split levels feature a ground-level entrance with stairs leading to different levels, including the basement, living and family rooms and bedrooms.


split level home builder AdelaideSplit level homes provide several distinct advantages over traditional houses, but one of their primary benefits is cost efficiency. Unlike single-level designs that take advantage of only one side of a site (including slopes), split level home builder Adelaide designs use the entire lot with minimal excavation required and thus are an economical choice when building on sloped blocks, which typically pose more difficulty than flat sites.

Split-level homes offer another distinct advantage – lower maintenance costs! Because their two stories are stacked on each other, leaks and other common problems are reduced drastically, and some split-levels even come equipped with attached garages that can serve as additional storage or work areas.

Though split-level homes may be cheaper than their conventional counterparts, they can be more difficult to sell in the short term because potential homebuyers perceive them as outdated and lacking natural lighting. Furthermore, these split level home builder Adelaide properties often involve many stairs, which may present additional difficulties for older individuals or families with young children.

However, the market is shifting, and local councils are increasingly mandating that new homes be designed with character and articulation in mind. As a result, more homeowners who prefer defined living environments over open-plan ones show interest in split-level houses as more local councils enforce this standard.


Split level homes make the best use of space, featuring a garage and basement on one level and bedrooms on another. This arrangement allows each floor to function independently, helping prevent private offices or children’s playrooms from disrupting the living room on the main level.

Your split level home can be designed in many different ways depending on the style that best meets your needs. A typical layout features the garage and basement on the lower level with kitchen, dining, family and living areas on the main floor with bedrooms on the upper floor; other variations could feature single-level houses that open directly into a backyard space.

If you plan to build on a tight lot, a split level design might be just the ticket. These designs maximise livable space on small lots by taking full advantage of vertical height; plus, they make great use of sloped lots.

Split-level homes tend to be cheaper than single-story ranch houses; however, their appeal may be less. Selling them may prove challenging. It must fit lifestyle and budget criteria when considering purchasing one for yourself or someone else.


Standard split level homes typically consist of three to five levels of living space, though others can go as high as seven. They usually contain a garage and basement on the lowest level with living areas and bedrooms above it – an arrangement that makes it easy to separate living areas from the kitchen and other spaces.

Side Split Homes are another type of multi-level house with multiple levels visible from only one side. They typically feature an entry door at ground level and multiple staircases leading to upper and lower floors, making it difficult to move laundry, groceries, or furniture up and down these staircases.

Split-level homes may appeal in certain parts of the country but may not be suitable for all situations. Split-level houses can be tricky to sell due to their narrower footprint and lesser curb appeal than traditional ranch or two-story houses; therefore, it is crucial to highlight all their positive characteristics to attract potential buyers when marketing these homes.


Split level homes may seem outdated to some people, but they make for an excellent and economical housing solution. Compared to single-level houses, split level houses require less space to function effectively. At the same time, cleaning is often easier as their garages tend to be located at lower levels and are perfect for parking your vehicle without having to search endlessly on street streets for parking spaces.