How Silage Wrap Protects Plants –

Silage wrap refers to a temporary drying solution traditionally used in hydroponic rice fields to help baling operations. It is made from cornstarch and cottonseed oil. In hydroponics, it is mostly sprayed on the seed bed during the growing period of the seed. It is an effective way to control moisture content for rice paddies, as it helps reduce evaporation. The silage wrap helps keep the soil damp but not wet. Check out for the best-quality silage wrap.


Silage is a blow molded plastic, most commonly found in hydroponic bale preparation. The blow molded plastic allows the wrap to shrink and expand with changing temperatures without causing damage to the crop bed structure. Baling with high moisture content has become more popular in hydroponic bale preparation because it enables an early crop delivery within the schedule possible without drying out the plant structure.


It can be used in three basic applications: wetland restoration, weed control, and drought stabilization. In wetland restoration, it helps to reduce erosion by soaking up excess floodwater. Weed control helps prevent weed seeds from taking root and later becoming rooted to the secondary host plant. Drought stabilization aims to augment the growth of vegetation around a field by preventing runoff of standing water on the ground. The silage wrap is applied over the top of the primary plant bed after the seed has been spread throughout the bale with a spray gun. Check out for the best-quality silage wrap.


When using the silage wrap for weed control, the application must be done before any seed is planted. The application must also be done just before or after seeding, because the heat generated during seeding can melt and deform the seed coating. There are two types of silage wraps available, the permeable and impregnable. Permeable wraps are best used with potted plants, since they are flexible enough to allow water to penetrate into the soil, but at the same time restrictive enough to prevent the weed seeds from soaking up all the nutrients. Impenetrable wraps, on the other hand, are best used with live plants or with cuttings.


These products are also available in various forms. The most popular ones include: small tubes, medium tubes, and large tubes. Small tubes are used to cover areas of four square feet or less; medium tubes are suitable for bales as large areas usually need larger amounts of cover. Meanwhile, large tubes can be used to cover areas of more than twelve square feet and are suitable for large scale seedlings.


Another advantage of the silage wrap is its flexibility. Since the seed is suspended, the plant cannot become stressed or get damaged by extreme weather conditions. The wrap will also not attract insects and caterpillars since the seed is clear. Lastly, bales made of this material will not spoil quickly because there is no humidification process involved. Bales are also easy to handle and are environmentally friendly. Check out for the best-quality silage wrap.