Living in Granny Flats

Granny flats are small apartments originally designed as residential homes for older women. Today, they have evolved into something entirely different. A granny flat is usually a self-contained living space located directly on traditional single-family home property. It usually consists of a home office, a bedroom, a kitchen, and sometimes a recreational area like a pool or a playroom. While some granny flats maybe only 1,200 square feet, most of these tiny residences can be classified into small houses because of their rather limited size.

A granny flat is an ideal place to live as it offers all the facilities of a primary residence, but without the strain of sharing housing with others. There is always the concern of how other people will see the added household member in a primary residence. Even though a granny flat may have a smaller size than a home, there are ways to ensure that your home will be properly cared for. You can discover more by designing and constructing it in a manner that suits your needs and your preference.

If you want to build granny flats by granny flats Adelaide, then the first thing that you need to consider is the location. While you have plenty of choices when choosing the location of your home, there are specific advantages and disadvantages to each choice. For example, detached granny flats offer a wide variety of architectural styles. They also provide similar views to primary residences, so you have an easier time blending in with the community.


However, detached granny flats are more vulnerable to natural disasters and climate changes. Since they are located at a higher altitude, they are most vulnerable to high winds and rainstorms. Additionally, they are at a higher risk of fire as there is no place to put off the wood. If a fire were to start, the flames could easily spread to other areas of your home. Fire danger should be your number one concern when deciding on your home’s placement.

The second thing you need to decide is whether you will lease the property or buy it. While owning your granny flat might seem like a great way to spend your retirement money, you have to consider your finances as well. If you choose to purchase a house, you will not live in it as long as you want. If you find that the rent is too costly or cannot afford to buy it, leasing it is the better option. Leasing offers two separate dwellings, which makes life a lot easier. With two separate dwellings, you will not be bothered with the daily traffic jams nor will you have to worry about whether or not you will ever be able to afford to live in your house.

With these two considerations in mind, you can get an idea of how granny flats will affect your quality of life. Although they are a great way to live in a comfortable environment, they can also be costly. To ensure that you will be able to afford them, you need to look at all of your options carefully. Fortunately, with so many digital cameras store available, you should be able to discover more of the items that you need to make your digital photography experience wonderful.